Gardening in July
Places that need shade are obvious now. Is it the deck or patio? Maybe a large window? Perhaps it is the rhododendron that you planted in March? Our Glenwood Corner Store has well-established shade trees in pots to plant now. The other choice is to plant in the fall to avoid stress on the tree.
New potatoes can be dug now. Mulch up the tops in order to increase production.
Put netting over blueberries to keep some of the crop for yourself.
As you pick, prune. This rule applies to raspberries and blackberry types, such as boysenberries. The part of a berry plant that produces fruit will never produce again. Remove to enhance growth and remove the worthless parts that can only encourage disease.
Water wisely. Plants in containers might need water every day, but plants in the ground do better with a deep watering weekly or twice a week instead of a little water every day or every other day. New plants in landscape need special attention. Deep water new trees and shrubs.
Hot and dry days create perfect conditions for spider mites in evergreen plants. Wash frequently with a high pressure hose to reduce populations.
Spring bulbs, such as tulips and daffodils, can be dug and divided if crowded. Store until fall. Unless they are very crowded and showing loss of vigor, it is best to leave them alone and buy more in the fall.
In the garden, plant carrots, lettuce, beets, cauliflower, broccoli, and bush beans for fall crops. Seeds will germinate better in the summer than spring due to soil temperature. Also, some pests – like root maggots – are out of season. Once seeds are wet, keep moist until sprouted.
Summer weather is ideal for cutworms in flowers and vegetables, maggots and codling moth in apples, caterpillars in vegetables, birds after the blueberries, and aphids on the roses.