We know that outdoor projects can be both exciting and overwhelming. In an effort to help you through your next hardscape task, please refer to this Glossary of Terms to clarify any questions. Don’t see what you’re looking for? Give us a call, 541-345-9085.
Arris Line | The angle, corner or edge produced by the meeting of two stones. |
Ashlar Masonry | Stone masonry with finely dressed stones laid in cement, or lime mortar. Stone is generally rectangular in shape of various sizes. All joints are regular, thin and have uniform thickness. |
Coursed Ashlar | Ashlar masonry laid in courses of equal height. Different courses shall be permitted to be of varying height. |
Random Coursed Ashlar | Ashlar masonry laid in courses of varying thickness. |
Random Ashlar | Ashlar set with stones of varying length and height so that neither vertical or horizontal joints are continuous. |
Band Course | Continuous horizontal course with gauged, consistent rise. |
Bed Face | Installing a stone in a vertical wall the natural bed exposed. |
Bed Joint | A horizontal joint between stones commonly filled with mortar or caulk sealant. |
Belt Course | A continuous horizontal course, making a division in the wall plane. |
Block Quarry | A quarry that contains a sound, natural deposit of natural building stones where nature allows the harvest of stone blocks. |
Bush Hammer | Finish applied to cut stone by a bush hammer tool to create a decorative dimpled appearance. |
Chinking | The method of filling large mortar joints in stone veneer with small chips or slivers of stone. |
Chisel | A steel tool used to “dress” or “trim” stone, available in steel or carbide tipped. |
Course | A continuous horizontal band of constant height. |
Cut Stone | Finished, dimensional stone, ready to set in place. |
Depth | Measurement of a piece of stone from front to back. |
Dimensioned Stone | Stone precut and shaped to specified sizes (“cut stone”) |
Dressed | The cutting and shaping of rough chunks of stone, done by hand chiseling to create a square, rectangular, or finished desired shape. |
Drystack | Horizontal pattern of stone installed “tight” to allow a very narrow bed joint. Joints are raked back into stone work as to be undetectable. |
Hand Tracer | Steel chisel tool with two beveled edges to make a sharp bladed end used for hand dressing, available in steel and carbide tipped. |
Hand Chipper | Tool with one beveled face and flat back to form a sharp bladed end used to produce a rockface finish, available in steel and carbide. |
Hand Ripper | Tool with saw-toothed end for tooling and dressing stone faces. |
Hand Set | Tool with two beveled edges to form a ¼” flat head bladed end, used for intense hand dressing. |
Joint | The space between stone units, usually filled with mortar, sealant or epoxy. |
Ledge Bed Quarry | A quarry that by nature allows the harvesting of natural stone by peeling off the natural layers. |
Length | Measurement of the face of a particular piece of stone from left end to right end. |
Natural Bed | The horizontal stratification of stone as it was formed in the natural stone deposit. |
Pitch | The technique used by striking a smooth edge of stone with appropriate tools to create a rough, convex appearance. |
Quarry Pit | The location of a stone quarrying operation where a natural deposit of stone is removed from the ground where it lays. |
Quarry Run | The condition of stone that is not sorted but instead naturally selected to a natural range of size, color and shape. |
Rise | Measurement of the face of a particular piece of stone from top to bottom. |
Rockface | Similar to a split face, except the face is “pitched” to a given arris line, producing a bold, convex appearance. |
Rubble Stone | A blend of stone that is naturally or mechanically broken or split, to make up a particular random pattern, but holding a reasonably consistent joint. |
Rustic | See “Weatheredge”. |
Seam Face | A stone that exposes a surface that is taken from a quarry seam. |
Soldier Course | A horizontal course of vertically laid stone. |
Splitter | Hydraulic machine/equipment used to split natural stone. |
Tapestry Finish | A finish applied to stone by a sandblasting wand at a consistent PSI. |
Thin Veneer | Veneer stone that is saw cut to a 1-1/2” wall depth from front to back, leaving a sawn back side and an intended finish face. Installed on a vertical wall without a support ledge. |
Tumbled Stone | Stone that is mechanically tumbled to create a worn and distressed finish. |
Veneer | A layer of natural building stone facing material used to cover a wall. |
Weatheredge | A stone surface that is naturally created by the combination of natural pressure and mineral staining. |