Farmers’ Garden Café – Catch us at 2111 Prairie Rd until April.

Catch us at Lane’s Main Office until April! The Farmers’ Garden Café is a perfect spot to have a refreshing beverage, or stop by in the morning for an energy-boost with fresh, organic coffee! Stop by and see what our daily food special is too!

12oz Hot16oz Hot or Cold24oz Cold
EspressoTwo shots of espresso1.50
LatteEspresso & hot steamed milk3.504.004.50
Latte RoyalLatte with your choice of syrup4.004.505.00
CappuccinoEspresso & hot foamed milk3.504.00
MochaEspresso & steamed chocolate4.505.005.50
Mocha RoyalMocha with choice of syrup5.005.506.00
Mexican MochaRich, spicy Mexican chocolate4.505.005.50
Snow MochaEspresso with white chocolate4.505.005.50
BreveEspresso with half & half4.004.505.00
AmericanoEspresso and hot water2.503.003.50
Farmers’ Garden ExpressEspresso and gourmet coffee3.003.50
Chai LatteChai tea with steamed milk4.004.505.00
Gourmet House Coffee2.503.003.50
Hot Chocolate3.003.50
Italian SteamerSteamed milk with choice of flavor2.503.00
Kid’s Hot Chocolate1.50
Extra Shot Espresso0.50
Extra Shot Syrup0.50
Alternative Milk(Oat, Almond, and Coconut)0.50
Italian SodaIced soda water with choice of syrup3.003.50
CremosaItalian soda with cream3.504.00
