Garden Rich Planting Soil

Garden Rich is a tried and true planting soil combining a high quality blend of ingredients into a healthy balanced soil. Flowers, shrubs and vegetables are set up to thrive in this soil.

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Raised Garden Beds for growing vegetables and flowers.Transplanting trees and shrubs. To raise depth and level garden beds.


For general landscaping apply to depth of 2″-24” to provide growing space for the roots of your plants. Incorporate with native soil as needed.


Blend of Yard Debris Compost, Cow & Chicken Manure Compost or Fish Compost, Aged Bark Fines, Loam, Sand, Forest Wood Bio-Char, and Limestone (for pH control).

Ways to Get it:

Planting & Potting Soils
Landscape Coverage Chart
(27 cubic feet) will cover:
(7.5 cubic yards) will cover:
1296 sq ft ¼” deep 9600 sq ft ¼” deep
648 sq ft ½” deep 4800 sq ft ½” deep
324 sq ft 1″ deep 2400 sq ft 1″ deep
162 sq ft 2″ deep 1200 sq ft 2″ deep
108 sq ft 3″ deep 800 sq ft 3″ deep
81 sq ft 4″ deep 600 sq ft 4″ deep
54 sq ft 6″ deep 400 sq ft 6″ deep