Bedding Sawdust

For horse stalls; easy to pick through when cleaning, creating less waste and leaving more material in the stall. Sawdust will form nice mounds around the base of your blueberries.

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Use as horse stall bedding.
As an ingredient in a Horse Arena Mix (Sawdust mixed with river sand).
Mulch blueberries due to the low acidity level of the sawdust.


For horse stalls, Apply 4-6″ deep and refresh as needed.
For arena mixes, mix with 50% river sand and apply 4-6” deep.
Mulch blueberries 2-3” deep annually.


Low pH (4-5), made from Douglas Fir. 1/2” to 1/4” minus in size. Blonde Color.

Ways to Get it:

Bedding & Ground Covers
Landscape Coverage Chart
(27 cubic feet) will cover:
(7.5 cubic yards) will cover:
1296 sq ft ¼” deep 9600 sq ft ¼” deep
648 sq ft ½” deep 4800 sq ft ½” deep
324 sq ft 1″ deep 2400 sq ft 1″ deep
162 sq ft 2″ deep 1200 sq ft 2″ deep
108 sq ft 3″ deep 800 sq ft 3″ deep
81 sq ft 4″ deep 600 sq ft 4″ deep
54 sq ft 6″ deep 400 sq ft 6″ deep